Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Are we killing ourselves cleaning up? Looks like it...

Some of these are European products but most are available here in the States. Pictured above are the 29 out of 30 products that released VOCs into the air. They are ranked by the total amount of VOCs released into the air within four hours of use, from most to least released. Only one product that was tested — Dr Bronner's pure-castile soap, baby unscented — did not release any VOCs when it was used. The study was done in the UK, but it's still fascinating. 

The full article can be found in today's issue here:

Do you know what type of earrings
 your wife or girlfriend would like?
Maybe she's like these... 

Click on the picture for more information on these earrings.
They're only $ 18.00 and that includes free shipping!

1 comment:

  1. Total, unremitting, horseshit. Not the products, the article. Do a little bit of math and see if you're impressed by the amounts involved. And look up the poisons in lettuce and bananas!


I'm not here, but what's his name is...