Monday, August 21, 2023

Life must be pretty boring over in Scotland these days...

Next weekend hundreds of Nessie enthusiasts are expected to take part in the biggest organised hunt for the mysterious creature in 50 years.
Organised by the newly revamped Loch Ness Centre, volunteers from across the globe will participate in person and online in what is believed to be the largest surface watch, searching for breaks in the water and any inexplicable movements over a two-day period.

The rest of the article is here:


  1. Awesome! Another distraction from the troubles caused by government.

  2. But remember: this is a zoomed-in image along the shore bank in a depth of a few feet of water. The 'creature' above water is about 14 inches in height in real scale. Sorry, but it's a hoax.

  3. Why can't they just leave the creature alone. In doing their looking for it they might damage it and it would die.
    Or even hurt any of its children.


I'm not here, but Calvin is...