Friday, August 18, 2023

FaLaLaLaLa. Tis the season after all - time to start paying attention...

The National Hurricane Center is now monitoring a four areas of concern, one of which has a 70% chance of development within the next seven days... 

 One of the things I've learned over the years, having gone through probably 30 hurricanes (inculding more than a few Cat 4's and 5's) is that NOT paying attention to the tropics in August and September is a recipe for disaster. Granted, if ya live in Ypsalnti it ain't that big a deal, but down here and in the Caribbean (remember, I lived in the Virgin Islands for 10 years), we take this shit serious.
My old man had 8,457,301 sayings - he being from New England and all - and his one piece of advice about storms is as good as it gets. His motto?
"Prepare for the worst and hope for the best"...



I'm sure, given the opportunity, some jughead 
administrative buttwipe could explain this. Maybe 
it's part of some kinda fucked-up 'study'.


It's amazingly simple to figure out what's going on in this Trump witch hunt. Every indictment was handed down by a Demorat appointed by another Demorat. I sure hope to fuck people understand this for what it truly is. Juss' sayin'...

Does growing  up in N'Orleans make you into an idiot 
or is it just a coincidence?

Just in case you thought this kinda shit was something new.

... -
A suburban Atlanta school board has voted to terminate the contract of a teacher who read a book about gender identity to gifted fifth-graders – the latest salvo in a nationwide clash over how issues like gender and race are discussed in public school classrooms.
The Cobb County board voted 4-3 Thursday to terminate the contract of Katherine Rinderle, disagreeing with the recommendation of a panel of retired county educators. She was removed from her classroom in March after a parent complained she’d read “My Shadow is Purple” to her class, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which represents her.
Teacher Katie Rinderle appears in a video filmed by the Southern Poverty Law Center. 
The district has claimed Rinderle in reading the book violated at least six of its policies and administrative rules, including two based on 2022 Georgia laws that restrict instruction of “divisive concepts” and provide greater transparency to parents and guardians in what their children are taught.




5 MB of Data on 62,000 Punch Cards was considered huge back in 1955.
Now I have a wind-up toy  that has more data in it.

And you might wonder what hapened to all of the dinosaurs, right? It's all explained by t
he power of objects in motion. This is a solid block of aluminum after it was hit by a 14-gram piece of plastic that was traveling 24,000 feet per second from a test shot in an aerospace lab. It's some kinda shock-wave voodoo or some shit.



1 comment:

  1. That gouge in the aluminum block? Half an ounce at 16,363 MPH is a lot of foot pounds of energy... anything at 16k MPH is a LOT of energy!
    But that is a neat picture.
