Monday, July 31, 2023

What do you do if you love serving your country? You re-enlist at 59...

Craig Morgan is still dedicated to serving his country. 
On Saturday, the musician was sworn in again at age 59 to the U.S. Army Reserve on stage at the Grand Ole Opry in front of a sold-out audience.
"I’m excited to once again serve my country and be all I can be in hopes of encouraging others to be a part of something greater than ourselves," Morgan shared in a statement to Fox News Digital. 
"I love being an artist but I consider it a true privilege and honor to work with what I believe are the greatest of Americans, my fellow soldiers. God Bless America. Go Army."
Click on the picture to see his swearing-in Twit.



The headline on this story read: Grace Charis joins no-bra club as she pulls off incredible golf trick shot while fans tell her ‘I wasn’t watching that’

There's an annoying new trend on TikTok, Instagram and Fakebook with girls with big boobs playing golf. Some of 'em are decent and some are just so-so, but they all have that one thing in common. Cleavage. 
Now, I'm not bitching about it, but I'm also not an 18-year-old moron either, so I don't spend a boatload of time ogling them. I bring it up just for one reason. These fuckin' people are making millions offa this shit. Why can't I do something stupid, have somebody record it and make a shitload of cabbage?
I have no idea who Grace Charis is, but if you wanna see this bullshit' trick shot', here it is:





Still one of my favorite country songs and very relevant to where I live here in North Central Florida - Lake County to be specific. I have a buncha friends with boats (the best kinda boat) and we have a couple places here where we do exactly what's happenin' in the vid. Very cool.






  1. If you haven't figured out by the time you are 59 that the US military is the violence arm of the tyrannical US government and their puppetmasters in the military industrial complex and the Deep State, then there is no helping you whatsoever.

    1. If you haven't figured out by now that "the violence arm" of the US Gubmint is the reason you aren't speaking German, Japanese, Russian, or Chinese right now, then you are truly ignorant.
      As for the Deep State, why oh why are you voting Democrap?

    2. Wow, so you only think that democrats can see through the lies of the US military? What would you say to Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler of the Marine Corps? He figured it out after WW1 and the central American tyranny we engaged in. Sad that you fell for the lies about WW2, the supposed capabilities of the Germans or Japanese, because thousands of others have dispelled those lies. Russia, China? Seriously? What is currently going on in Ukraine has done more to drive Russia and China together, all brought to you by the same MIC that controls our government and our military. And as a libertarian who can tell the difference between defense and imperial overreach, I don't appreciate being lumped in with democrats because I don't support endless war. And I'm glad to see that others appreciate the financial realities behind this hollow virtue signaling gesture by this guy.

  2. About Morton and his re-enlisting in the Army. I would not say he's doing it for the altruistic reasons he claims. The main reason he is doing it is that he know if he just spends three more years doing it, he will have a retirement check to look forward to every month. Another few thousand bucks a month may not sound like a lot, but money is money. So if his singing career goes tits up, he'll at least have that income. Oh, but he's doing it because he is proud to serve. Yeah, right. Then why did you wait until you are 59 to sign back up? Because he knows the money starts after he turns 60. Also, the comment by jason lobo is pointless. OK, Morton got a CIB from Granada. What jason doesn't understand is that it was an "I was there" CIB. Of the huge number of 82nd troops that were, NONE saw actual contact with the enemy, except for a couple of platoons in one company. Highly doubt Morton was in that company. So, sorry there, Craig ol' boy, I am not impressed with your bullshit ulterior motives.

  3. There are a few of us who understand why the guy is is using a cart to take the hand truck to the checkout. Some of us, due to varied medical problems, cannot walk very far without the assistance of four wheels - we can't even use a cane. We require a walker with four wheels: two wheel-assistance is OK for short distances - sometimes.
    I know it looks funny, but it ain't.

  4. He's going to be a celebrity recruiter for the Army. The Army and all services aren't meeting goals thanks to DEI policies. A majority of recruits are from the south, so he's been hired to appeal to those people the Pentagon hates.

  5. FYI, that Burger Chef and Jeff watch would be $56.50 today. It might be worth more as a collector's item today, but Burger Chef's stuff wasn't that good.


How can we believe anything these people say?

There's another, even better example from 2010 with old friend Nancy stating unequivocally that waste, fraud and abuse in Social Securit...