Monday, July 31, 2023

Hey DOJ - Make up your mind (if you have one), ferfucksake...

The Justice Department on Sunday evening sent a letter to the New York judge overseeing Devon Archer's fraud case, saying they did not want him locked up before he can testify before Congress on Monday. Archer is expected to provide details that will challenge the White House's insistence that Joe Biden never had any knowledge of or involvement in his wayward son's business affairs. The Department of Justice sent a letter to a judge Saturday urging an expedited sentencing for Archer - for an unrelated fraud conviction - in what was seen as a last-minute attempt to stop his testimony. Republicans say the move by DOJ was an attempt to 'intimidate' Archer, who they view as being central to providing information that is critical to their ongoing investigation into the Biden family's business dealings. On Sunday, the decision was reversed.
The rest of this nonsense is here:

Someone you know must have a birthday coming up. 
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Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful handmade bracelet.

1 comment:

  1. Archer would be a lot harder to snipe if he's in jail.


How can we believe anything these people say?

There's another, even better example from 2010 with old friend Nancy stating unequivocally that waste, fraud and abuse in Social Securit...