Thursday, July 13, 2023

Is this the first of many shoes that will be dropping at Disney? That would be very nice...

'Go woke, go broke' the say, and it sure looks like things arent all that rosey at Disney after a shitload of crappy movies and a buncha of screwball decisions made by it's previous CEO. Maybe Iger has the right idea - get the company back to it's roots. Read the article here:
There's another good article here as well:


  1. Agreed. The core of their business appears to be grooming and child trafficking and with the Buydens in charge of the DOJ, that's where the money is.

  2. Disney has been sexualizing children since the 80s at the parks. And the entertainment cast is overwhelmingly for gays and alphabet people. And Sheriff Grady from Polk County is correct that they don't get a child sex trafficking child porn ring arrest without any Disney employees. And there are hidden dick pictures (and boob flashes) put in by animators and set designers since the 80's, and there's even a sub-culture of Disneyphiles who purposely look for these images

    But Disney doesn't sexualize the children. Right. Uh-huh

  3. Disney is going down no matter what they do.
