Thursday, July 13, 2023

Could this be the next stupidest friggin' thing ever built? I hope so...

The world’s largest cruise ship, which is set to launch in January, has been labeled a “monstrosity,” with critics comparing it to having the same buzz as the Titanic did on its maiden voyage. Known as Icon of the Seas under Royal Caribbean International, this new ship is five times larger than the Titanic.
Even if I was dead I wouldn't want anyone to bring my ashes on that thing. How do you guys feel about somethig like this that is SO over the top it's almost unbelievable? Read this and coment:

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Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful handmade bracelet.


  1. Time to start building a submersible so that we can send tourists to the wreck.

  2. For every two passengers there is more than one crew member! They definitely hate you and spit in the soup, sneeze into the salads, and who knows what happens to the cloth napkins and pillow cases. You are mocked by the desperate low income crew beyond your imagination. All with a Love Boat smile! A true fact.

  3. ANY cruise ship nowadays is bigger than the Titanic.And has cooler lifeboats.

  4. It's "5 times as big as the Titanic", but carries only 2.4 times as many passengers and crew. However, I don't think cruise ships have a steerage class. Most of the Titanic's passengers were there to get across the Atlantic as fast as practical, rather than to enjoy riding around in a ship.

  5. Imagine trying to get 5,610 passengers to the lifeboats. And that ship doesn't look much more stable to me than the one that rolled over on it's side in Italian waters a few years ago.

  6. I do not care much for amusement parks anymore, and never cared for a hotel in an amusement park. I'll pass on being one of 7,960 (if the count of crew is 2,350 and 5,610 passengers - some bit over 7,600) on a ship with a tall sail area at sea with alcohol combined food poisonings... I cannot imagine the passengers' and crews' impatience during boarding and disembarking at a tourist destination and return to port; watching and listening to less than 200 passengers while awaiting a jet ramp and door opening is why I haven't flown in over a decade.


'We'll always have Paris. And Playboy.' Here's looking at you, kid...

...    Why do I do what I do here on the blog? Being able to present what my wife creates is the best reason  I have  for doing this, and be...