Thursday, July 13, 2023

Okay - there's no way you get this one without cheating. Name this Dame...



  1. Doris Roberts: don't know how, but I recognized her instantly.

    1. Auntie is correct, Doris Roberts. Otherwise known by her work as a much older lady. Like on "Everybody loves Raymond."

  2. my friend told me that is someone named "Joe Mamma"

  3. Estelle Harris, George Costanza's mother

  4. I'm stumped. I can't confirm this picture is even close to any of the four women suggested by the posters, but I have found no pictures of any of them looking anywhere near as young as that one. So I can exclude Carole Channing - her mouth was much bigger, and that doesn't change whether you're 18 or 80. But in every picture of the other three I've found they were playing moms or even older, and the differences could be due to age.


How many times have I heard this?