Tuesday, July 18, 2023

I'd marry this German girl tomorrow if I wasn't, well, already married for 40 years...

New York Post - A woman in Germany was dubbed a “brutal blonde” by European media after she dragged a climate change activist from blocking traffic as the public’s patience wears thin with the frequent protests on roadways. The video showed a woman screaming at a climate change protester to “get up” from blocking a road in Bottrop, Germany, according to a video posted by an activist group. Then, the woman grabbed the activist by her hair and dragged her to the side of the road. When the girl returned to block the road, the German woman dragged her by the hair a second time. 
The activist was lightly injured in the altercation, police in Recklinghausen said. Police said they were looking into videos and photos of the incident to determine if criminal proceedings were necessary against those who dragged the protesters off the road. They also said the climate activists were taken into custody.
The videos are here. I can't believe more people didn't just beat the fuckin' snot outta these protest ant jerkoffs:

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  1. "If you shoot them in the head after dragging them off the road, they don't come back."
    Said by a friend.

  2. Or superglue them to the sidewalk. Or beat them senseless first. Or just run them over. Hey, they want to stage a Die In, make it realistic.

  3. https://tinyurl.com/35p76tss

    Not allowed to use tabs here, so just paste and go.

  4. We need a lot more German Brutal Blonds. I might be biased.
