Tuesday, July 18, 2023

These attention whores need to go away. PLEASE, god...

 These people - the whole fuckin' family - sicken me. How can we make them go away. The media certainly isn't helping...  

Kendall Jenner - the self-pronounced Queen of Selfies - has been seen in new ads for L'Oreal. 'I'm honored to be part of a new sisterhood of strong, powerful women and to be able to say those iconic words, I'm worth it,' said Kendall in a statement shared to DailyMail.com. 'Joining the L'Oréal Paris family and having the opportunity to embody everything the brand stands for feels like a true full-circle moment,' she added. Does anyone believe for one second that this jackass broad is capable of fashioning a complete sentence like that?
According to the company's press release she was chosen because she is a 'powerful, successful, and talented young woman.' It was added she 'continues to captivate audiences around her' and is a 'constant figure in the fashion industry, an entrepreneur, and a media icon.' 

What the company doesn't understand is just how absolutely fuckin' sick and tired all of us are see her and her sibling's mugs plastered all over so-called 'popular media' on a daily basis. 
Fuck these fuckin' people. Enough already. 
And I ain't juss' sayin'...

1 comment:

  1. Fuck these fucking fuckers. Minor correction. Carry on.
