Sunday, July 16, 2023

Growing older, just not up...

Is that some kinda Haiku or whatever?


There are about the same number of stars in the observable universe as there are grains of sand on all of Earth's beaches. 


This is a real story in a semi-reputable media outlet. Click on her picture 
to read the whole story. If your brain explodes, it's on you, not me...


The closest living relatives of the Tyrannosaurus rex 
are the chicken and the ostrich.



 In 2021 three French men, Morgan Niquet, François Robin and Julien Serri, set the record for the most varieties of cheeses on a pizza. They used 834 different types of cheese...

The New York Yankees are rapidly becoming another example of the perils of spending money poorly. The 2023 Major League Baseball season has been rife with expensive disappointments. Out west, the San Diego Padres have stumbled to a 44-48 start, despite investing heavily with free agents and trades. In their own city, the New York Mets, with baseball’s highest payroll, have just a 13% chance of making the postseason.
Quietly, the Yankees have been struggling mightily themselves. According to Fangraphs, their playoff odds have fallen below 50%, after peaking in April at 87%.
As recently as July 4th, that number stood at 75%. But a 4-6 stretch and two consecutive losses have dimmed hopes in the Bronx.


Have a birthday or other special event
 coming up soon? Maybe you need to find
 a gift for someone special. How about this?
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful handmade bracelet.

I guess they don't make/sell basket wine anymore. 
I haven't seen any in any liquor store for a coupla years. 
Too bad - another dying icon of my youth.

A hurricane releases more energy in 10 minutes than all the world’s nuclear weapons combined. To put it in other words, the "heat" from a hurricane would be proportional to exploding a 10-megaton nuke every 20 minutes. 


More millennials think referring to a transgender person by the wrong pronouns should be a criminal offense than think it should be legal.

I surrender. Especially when I realize that people actually 
get paid serious cabbage to think up shit like this. What bus 
did I miss as a kid that I couldn'ta learnt howda do dat?


1 comment:

  1. The "Nice work if you can get it" started out as a joke article way back around 1978.
