Saturday, July 15, 2023

And now for something completely different. 'Revenge tourism'...

 'Revenge travel' refers to the mindset that "people are more eager to travel and less willing to cancel their vacation plans" as a way of making up for the lack of travel during the Covid-19 pandemic, according to Forbes. Hotel prices, airfare and car rental prices have sky-rocketed in the past year due to this wave of unprecedented tourism, both here and abroad. 

This is a fascinating article. See for yourself:



  1. One never ending truth is that mankind cannot resist putting the screws to fellow the demonrats policy of never let a good crisis go to waste....

  2. I read the article: it strongly reminds me of the hype put out by a dying industry desperately in need of an immediate infusion of dollars. Travel prices are up but not as much as they should be considering the actual purchasing value of the dollar, so travel, right now, is an unbelievable bargain.
    Just consider real airline costs: the price increase in Jet A-1, as well as the Article 24 Chicago Convention tax increase; the salary increases from cleaners to pilots, from baggage handlers to air traffic controllers - just to name a few.
    BTW: these pictures of airport overcrowding are usually taken when flights are delayed or cancelled for some unfathomable reason.

  3. No, the prices have skyrocketed due to inflation and overregulation. It's just people are more willing to be bent over when paying because they spent 2-3 years locked away.

  4. On an Alaska flight from Portland to Phoenix I watched as mask Nazis roamed up and down the aisles the whole flight looking for minor violations so they could scold less than 100% compliant passengers. The gay FA was the worst, completely out of control. Decided after that flight we'd rather drive 3 days than fly 3 hours. Have not been to an airport since.


Figure this one out, Auntie...