Saturday, July 15, 2023

Finally - some political news worth waking up for...

New York Post - Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie believes he would win a brawl against former President Donald Trump if the two fought toe-to-toe in a UFC-style cage match. The 2024 Republican candidate told Piers Morgan in a Fox News interview that aired Thursday night he was eager for a grudge match with the GOP front-runner — either with words or fists and feet.
“Talking of fighting, if you and Trump got in the ring — he loves his UFC and stuff like that, right? — if you got in the octagon, you and him, who would win?” Morgan asked. “Come on,” the heavyset 60-year-old responded with a grin. “Guy is 78 years old [actually 77]. I’d kick his ass.” The retort prompted laughter from the Englishman, who noted: “We know that Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg are apparently going to get in the ring.”


The caption on this pic said 'Miami Beach 1940s.'. 
It doesn't look that dated, does it?

And then you see a headline like this one and you think to yourself - '
My god. What have I done to deserve all of these rewards?' Click on that picture and you can read the story. If you do read it, stop back and let us know who the fuck Joe Jonas is, okay?


With all of these car companies moving towards 
driverless vehicles, I guess it's only a matter 
of time before a country song will be written 
wherein your pickup truck leaves you too...

You know I normally don't go for memes like this - they tend 
to be pretty childish. I'm just being lazy or I'da made a Coca-Cola 
kid out of this sentiment. It's pretty legit, I must say.





Do you know someone who deserves
 something special? How about this?
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful handmade bracelet.

This friggin' jackass in front of me at a stop light yesterday 
afternoon who sat there after the light turned green and didn't 
move until I beeped the horn about fourty fuckin' times. Ironic, no?


Give this a little bit of thought for a second. Some guy (or gal, okay) working for the State lottery  sitting around in his/her office with nothing better to do comes up with this hair-brained thing about how big an area that much currency would cover and actually does the calculations. 
He/she then computes it relative to the area mass of a roadway, and, when finished, calls a newspaper to share his/her findings. How the the fuck can I get a job like that? I mean - this motherfucker actually got paid to think up that stupid shit. Go figure...

Try to explain to some young Gen-Z whatever what absolute mystical powers a tower like this could have over women. They'll  never get it.





  1. People think that time travel can alter the present if folks like Hitler, etc were simply eliminated. Hitler, like Clueless Joe and other tyrants and mass murderers, are SYMPTOMS of their time. Were a disgruntled artist like Hitler not been available, someone similar would have arisen in the horrible times of central bank created depression and economic collapse caused by the Treaty of Versailles. Same with every other circumstance in history and the tyrants that arose.

  2. Your End Is Near girl is Russian model Anastasia Shcheglova, who just HAD to get a couple large dark tattoos to mess up her perfect young body. WTF is wrong with women??

  3. Christie would need a crane to help him get into the ring. And he'd be lucky not to drop dead from a heart attack before the first round was over.

  4. Downwind of SeattleJuly 16, 2023 at 8:10 AM

    You took a fine time to leave me EV....


Here's one more for ya Auntie...