Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The people at Sports Illustrated have been smokin' some serious shit...

If this is legit and not a parody, I really do 
give up all hope for this world...  

She is now the oldest Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Cover model 
of all times at 81 years old. And yes, that is Martha Stewart. 
Think she's an attention whore?



Judge T. Kent Wetherell, who blocked a Biden-administration parole policy to release illegal migrants into the interior without a court date in order to alleviate overcrowding, is considering holding Department of Homeland Security officials in contempt because of suspected noncompliance.
Wetherell, who serves on the U.S. District Court of the Northern District of Florida, ruled against the Biden administration after Florida attorney general Ashley Moody sued to block the policy that was due to go into effect on May 12, a day after Title 42 expired. Moody argued that the policy was similar to one already declared unconstitutional in March, and Wetherell agreed. Texas has also filed suit against the policy.

If you turn the bulls logo upside down it looks 
like a robot butt-fucking a crab...
And who says you don't learn about important shit here...

When your Mom lets you dress yourself. It isn't Uncle Joe - 
it's King Chuck -  but it sure as fuck could be our Prez...


 A woman who says she worked as an off-the-books employee for Rudy Giuliani during his stint as Donald Trump’s personal lawyer alleges in court papers that the former New York City mayor coerced her into sex and owes her nearly $2 million in unpaid wages.
Noelle Dunphy said in the lawsuit that she was Giuliani’s business development director and public relations consultant from 2019 to 2021. She initially made her allegations public in January, but she detailed her claims further in a 70-page legal complaint filed Monday in New York.
So - I got a coupla questions. Is she admitting to be a tax dodger in her claim that she was an 'off-the-books employee? She evidently must have been promised in excess of $ 20,000.00 a week if she only 'worked' for him for two years and got stiffed out of pay. If she was 'coerced' into having sex with the old guy, did she fuck him or just give him a blowjob? Inquiring minds wanna know. I fuckin' hate this kinda shit. There's a special place in hell for these broads and their lawyers. Juss' sayin'...

Is Betty thinking threesome maybe? Ya never know any more...


Sometimes it's nice to buy a little gift 
for someone you love for no reason...

Click on the picture above for information on this bracelet
It's only $18.00 with free shipping.  You can find something nice for 
your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 

Can't even give it an 'A' for effort on this one...

How much do they really hate us over here? It's hard to tell.

It means 'we are looking for'.
It's a help-wanted thing...

A driver who was stopped by police in Colorado for speeding on Saturday night attempted to shift the blame by switching seats with his dog, putting his pet in the driver seat. A police officer watched the entirety of the bizarre attempt unfold, witnessing the driver trying to put his pet behind the wheel as he maneuvered to the other side of the car, according to a Facebook post by Springfield Police in southeastern Colorado.

The driver was then seen exiting the vehicle from the passenger side, before insisting that he had not been the one driving. According to the police department, the driver showed clear signs of intoxication, and ran away when asked how much he had had to drink.





  1. Admit it Joe. I bet you got a chubby seeing Martha like that

  2. I remember when a cop let my brother off once because he had his dog with him in the truck. and he was like 2 blocks from home too. he wasn't drunk, but he was feeling good and the cop followed his ass home too.
    as for the lawyers, I really think we need to bring back dueling again. got a problem ? fine tomorrow at dawn
    pistols at 25 yards. or whatever. I think I know 2-3 of them that I don't want to punch in the face when I see them. dave in pa.


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...