Saturday, May 13, 2023

Now? NOW they finally do something down there? Jeez friggin' Luiz...

Mexico heavily (and finally) cracked down on giving travel permits to migrants Friday, hampering their ability to legally head through the country to the border with the United States, a day after the expiration of Title 42.
The National Institute of Migration [INM] ordered its offices across the country to stop issuing Multiple Immigration Forms, temporary permits that allowed people to legally pass through the country.
“[The INM]…ordered all immigration offices in all states not to grant Multiple Immigration Forms, or any other document that authorizes transit through the country,” according to a fact sheet shared at a conference by Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
In Tapachula, less than 30 minutes from the Guatemala border in the south of the country, the INM had established a mobile office at Ecological Park, where earlier this week The Post photographed thousands of migrants handing themselves in to get the travel permits.

 Mexican officials have reportedly given out hundreds of thousands of temporary permits to migrants coming into the country allowing them to legally traverse the country for 45 days.

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  1. we need to wake up to the fact that we are at war with mexico

  2. No one is illegal, but their ACTIONS most certainly are.

  3. Given out, or were paid for?


A HillBetty who's sitting pretty...