Friday, May 12, 2023

It's too late now...

Think about this guy. Look at what his title is. He can't stop a bunch of hungry, unarmed vagrant illegals from entering the country - is he capable of prtecting anything that has to do with our national security? People like him scare the fuck outta me, but then again, look at who his boss is. 
Thank god I'm gonna be dead within the next 30 years or so. I weep for your grandchildren and the country that'll be left to them. And all because they didn't like the way some guy talked and Twitted. Go figure.



The biggest explosion ever seen has been spotted in space – and scientists don’t know for sure where it came from. The blast was brighter than almost anything ever seen and has been going on for years, making it by far the most powerful such event witnessed by scientists.
It has been ongoing for more than three years, and took place nearly 8 billion years away. Astronomers have proposed a host of possible explanations for the blast: it may be a vast cloud of gas that was torn apart by a black hole, for instance. But nothing on such a scale has ever been seen before and the explosion may have come from something else entirely.

I sorta envy people who can do shit like this. I would have 40 or 50 years ago, but now I'm too settled, too comfortable and too lazy to even think about doing shit like this. 
Tanya Nestoruk and Arya Touserkani posted a video showing off the transformation to their Instagram account. The entire project came in at just $40,000 and took just seven months to complete. The couple is using the vehicle travel around the US, Canada, and Mexico. They started with an old school bus they bought for $7,200 as a district was upgrading its fleet.
Good for them. The video can be seen here:



Amazing aerial view of The Abu Simbel Temple Aswan, Egypt

There's a sporting goods store in Texas giving teachers a 
discount on guns. I thought I heard about one here in Flroida doing the same thing, but I couldn't find anything on google about it. It's a great marketing ploy for the store and a really  great idea if we could  get a half dozen or so teachers strapped in every school. Get THAT word out and this insanity would stop.

I shoulda saved this for cold weather-time posts, 
but fuck it. It's funny no matter when ya see it.

This is what social media does to people.
It turns them in to narcissistic dooshbags.


Gotta be a Florida Man, don'tcha think?

Yeah - that's my front yard.

Need a small gift idea for someone special?
Click on the banner to see what's in her shop today.



1 comment:

  1. The Three Stooges were NEVER that organized or that well-paid. Now when they were playing the law team of "Dewey, Cheatum, and How"....maybe.


Good Morning...