Friday, May 12, 2023

CNN - the Crybaby News Network...

Wudda buncha crybaby fuckin' pussies. This cracks me up. 
The full article can be found here:

If you missed his entrance and the ovation, click on this picture 
for the link to see the video clip.


  1. CNN employees ... agit-propagandists. Some of the more worthless people in this country. When war comes, and it will, they will be stunned that half the country thinks of them as traitors.

  2. I am shocked that their democratic party handlers ever allowed CNN to run this disaster....not for Trump, but for CNN....I didn't watch it but I laughed like hell at the aftermath....I have never in all my years suspected CNN could be so entertaining....


Where's Waldo? For that matter, where's Joe?

 He'll be back in town tomorrow... I've been travelling...