Thursday, May 4, 2023

Epstein's Pedo island finally sells...

 Let me start out this post by saying I actually did help build two of the buiidings on the island wile I lived on St. John...  
But that's a post for another day. This guy stole the place at this price.
JEFFREY Epstein's infamous "pedophile island" where he raped and abused underage victims has finally after more than a year on the market.
Billionaire Stephen Deckoff snapped up the two islands for $60million - less than half the asking price - and said he has big plans for the tropical property.
You can find the full story here if you're on Fakebook:


  1. If he plans to lockup corrupt democrat politicians there, the island is waaaaaay too small.
    Oh, gotit. Good point. cages in the water. Perfect.

  2. They'll make a fortune booking reunions tours for politicians and Hollywood types who want to return to the scene of their crimes.


Hey Auntie - know who she is?

...     I'm still on Irish time. Are You? Here's a nice idea for a simple gift ...        Click on the picture for more information ...