Thursday, May 4, 2023

What a drag...

I have to be honest with you here. Reporting shit like this is not really my cup of tea (or mug of beer), but I find this kinda stupid shit to be really funny, so bear (or is it bare) with me.
The Los Angeles Times detailed allegations that were contained in a law suit filed by former 'We’re Here' production assistant Daniel McGarrigle.
McGarrigle’s lawsuit describes an alleged post-party scene in which an inebriated McGarrigle fell asleep fully clothed in Pierce’s hotel room. McGarrigle awoke, the suit says, with his pants pulled down and with Pierce attempting to penetrate him. 
According to the suit, McGarrigle screamed “No” and tried to fight off Pierce but was overpowered, with Pierce allegedly telling McGarrigle, “I know you want it, and you’re going to take it.”
The suit, which also names “We’re Here” production company Buckingham Television, alleges sexual assault, gender violence, false imprisonment and sexual harassment.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like he thought it was a chick and got caught. Hence the “horror” there was a shaft attached to the grass.


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