Friday, May 26, 2023

Do you know what the phrase 'screwed the pooch' means? Bud Light does now...

It’s official: Anheuser-Busch can’t even give its product away for free after its transgender publicity stunt. According to images shared on Twitter, stores in the Midwest are attempting to “sell” cases of Bud Light beer for free before they get skunky on the shelves, with the company offering up to a $15 rebate on products sold this Memorial Day weekend.

Bud Light has reportedly informed wholesalers it would buy back unsold beer once it expires as the company continues to face backlash from its polarizing pact with that transgender 'influencer'.



See - this is exactly why we fuckin' hate these liberal jerkoffs. Do they 
really believe - or want US to believe - that Florida is the same as Nazi fuckin' Germany, ferfucksakes? I can't imagine anything more fucked up. I swear they all need a serious bitch-slappin'. Juss' sayin'.

We certainly did solve the world's problems when we shitcanned 
that fat old bitch, didn't we? Jeez...

American servicemen drive in jeeps through an unidentified and nearly completely destroyed town in Italy in May, 1944. THIS is why we honor our veterans on Memorial Day. Thank all of you who have served or supported our defenders of freedom and liberty. 
These guys were probably still teenagers at that time. The absolute youngest a WWII veteran can be today is no less than at least 95 years old.

That subtle. I like subtle...

Could they make that bobblehead look LESS like Sinatra if they tried harder? 
Still pretty cool, though...

I'm not laughing out loud - I swear to god that laughing you hear is not coming from me. Must be in an open tab somewhere on my screen. 
But I will admit - this cracks me the fuck up...
An infectious pathogen inside California’s pot farms is attacking cannabis plants and growing invisibly for months only to spoil a crop just as a farmer is ready to harvest. Scientists believe that it’s in nearly every pot farm in the state and could be causing billions of dollars in damages to the national weed economy.


Hey - I got a question for ya... 
Our page views/readership numbers are really good - well over 8,000 or more a day, every day (except Sundays). That translates in to well over three million views a year. That's certainly something to be proud of,  for sure.
I am curious as to how and why we've actually plateaued at this number - it's been constant for nearly six months now. Is it just a reality that there are only eight or so thousand other sick fucks like me that enjoy this kinda nonsense? Pipe in - I'm curious to hear your take. And spread the word - tell your friends about us...
PS - I really do both enjoy and take to heart your comments. Keep 'em comin'...

Because we're idiots. That's why...






  1. Congrats on the great numbers. I stop by a couple times a day because you update with some great commentary on the fucked-upidness of our current world. I usually comment as anonymous because it's easier. Keep up the fine work- DC from Palatka.

  2. Of course Satan hasn't inspired any albums recently. He's been very busy running the Democrat party and the Obama and Biden administrations.


What - a doll...