Saturday, April 22, 2023

It's about time they start attacking each other over this migrant craziness...

Back in my old neighborhood, we usta have a saying when somebody fucked up. We'd say he 'stepped on his own dick'. 
Ya see - all these big, liberal cities all clammered to anyone who'd listen and a lot of us who didn't want to hear it that they were 'Sanctuary Cities' and they invited migrants to come to their towns.
 Well guess what you friggin' dooshtools - that chicken's come to roost and the motherfucker's brought 20 cousins and sisters with him...

New York Post and others - Mayor Eric Adams raged on Friday that the ongoing surge of migrants into the Big Apple has “destroyed” the city - as he delivered his most impassioned plea yet to the Biden administration for help dealing with the flow of immigrants into the city.
The uber-liberal Mayor, who earlier this week blasted the White House for turning its back on NYC, sounded the alarm on the multi-billion-dollar cost to the Big Apple budget during a visit to Washington, DC on Friday, where he plans to press the administration for federal aid.
“The city is being destroyed by the migrant crisis,” a distressed Adams said before his scheduled meeting, during a panel discussion hosted by the African American Mayors Association.
He also took aim at other elected Big Apple officials in his remarks, saying: “And none of my folks came to Washington DC to fight for the resources that’s going to undermine every agency in our city.”
Elements of New York society actively invited the migrants in to 
the city, and then didn't do jackshit for them when they got there.

Adams didn’t mention that city Public Advocate, Jumaane Williams, had traveled to DC on Wednesday to ask federal officials for additional migrant funding aid.
And it doesn't help that their DA is too busy busting DJT's balls to do anything about the crimes they're commiting, either, but that another story for another day.



In 1992, a shipping container accident commenced the biggest rubber ducky bathtub party ever. The containers contained a LOT of rubber ducks. They’ve been drifting all over the world ever since, and have been given the name “Friendly Floatees.”
They’ve been found on the shores of Hawaii, Alaska, South America, Australia, the Pacific Northwest, and even the Arctic. Around 200 duckies are still circulating in the currents of the North Pacific Gyre and actually provide scientists with new information about the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch.


You cannot imagine how pussy-whipped this guy must be.

Archeologists are unnearthing a 2200 year yld series of mosaics in an area 
they're calling an ancient Greek city 'Zeugma' in Gaziantep Province, Turkey.
Every time I see something like this I wonder why they chose to dig there in the first place? Like do they have some kinda underground x-ray machine or just dumb luck or were they digging for another reason and just kinda found it there? Either way ya go, it's very cool that they do find this shit.

Mother's Day will be here in three weeks.
Need a gift idea for her? How about this... 

Click on the picture above for information on this specific item.
You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 

New York Post - An abandoned Portland tavern burned to the ground this week in a blaze sparked by squatters who had been harassing the crime-riddled community for more than a year. Firefighters tried in vain Wednesday to beat back flames that consumed the former Farmer’s Barn Tavern in north Portland, which neighbor Dusty McCord said was “clearly a time bomb waiting to go off.”
He said squatters have been menacing the neighborhood since they besieged the bar that closed in 2018, threatening residents with guns, sometimes physically attacking them — and frequently cutting down trees to make campfires. Portland Fire and Rescue (PF&R) said this week was the eighth time they’d been called to the building to put out blazes. When neighbors complained to the city, McCord said officials did nothing.


This is Ma Barker - the mother of all American gangsters, who organized the Barker Gang. She was killed, along with her son Fred, in a violent gunfight for many hours by FBI agents who surrounded her house in 1935. Her house - where the shootout took place - used to be almost exactly across the street from the bar I've mentioned often here as one of my favorites - Gator Joe's in Oklawaha, Florida, about six miles from my house. 
Google her - it's a fascinating story. This ole' bitch was batshit fuckin' crazy...
To this day there's still a shithole little biker bar on the sight called 'Ma Barker's'. If you're in the area, go to Gators. Trust me on that.

Fred Flintstone says “Winston tastes good, like a cigarette should!” 
We tend to forget silly shit like this - that the Flintstones was actually an 'adult cartoon show' that kids in those days didn't understand all that much. It debuted on September 30, 1960 in prime time on Friday Night on ABC. Ran for six years.

 Leave it to the French to come up with silly shit like this, right?





  1. "African American Mayors Association."
    Is there a White Anglo-Saxon American Mayor's Association? Asking for a friend.


  3. The America hating democrats are turning Portland into an Indian reservation one ghetto at a time. Had to walk through downtown Portland a few months ago. Before long there will be ads on the radio saying I might be entitled to significant compensation.

    1. Isn't there a C&W song titled "Wheel along, Wheeler"?

  4. THAT'S Ma Barker?

    I would sworn that was FJB in a dress, no shit.

  5. The Flintstones were based off the Honeymooners TV show.
