Saturday, April 22, 2023

Politics makes enemies of friends. It shouldn't have to be this way...

Former President Trump launched a series of new attacks Friday at the state of Florida in a new email campaign taking aim at Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. hese two guys usta be good friends and allies. I don't like the turn this is taking. It's not necessary, and it smacks of Democrat politics, not Conservative practices. We're supposed to be attacking the guys on the other side of the aisle, not each other.
“The real DeSantis record is one of misery and despair,” Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said in a statement. “He has left a wake of destruction all across Florida and people are hurting because he has spent more time playing public relations games instead of actually doing the hard-work needed to improve the lives of the people he represents.”
Trump, who lives in Florida, has ramped up his attacks on DeSantis as the governor mulls a potential run for the White House. In his latest series of insults, Trump’s campaign sent out an email blast citing statistics that portray the state of Florida in a negative light, including statistics saying that Florida is one of the least affordable states to live in.
Trump's from New York and DeSantis is native-born Floridian. If it sucks so much here, Donald, go the fuck back to New York where you're from and shut the fuck up about what our Governor continues to do for us here in the Sunshine State. 

Former President Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis both say they do not support cuts to Social Security. But dueling ads from super PACs supporting their presidential bids say past statements or actions suggest they once did.
Both Trump and DeSantis have, in the past, supported plans that sought to rein in future spending on both Social Security and Medicare. None of those proposed changes would have cut current benefits for seniors or those nearing retirement age, but the plans DeSantis supported, while in Congress, would have done far more to restructure the programs than Trump ever proposed, or did, as president.
'Nuff said...


  1. It wouldn't be this way if the goal was freedom and not POWER.

  2. Trump doesn't know when to shut up, just pissing off a lot of GOP

  3. It's unfortunate that negative advertising seems to work, but damnit, the Republicans need to focus on getting the crazies out of power.

    1. Unfortunately, some people consider Trump to be one of those crazies.....he could remedy that if he'd consider what he says, and about whom he is saying it, but that will never happen.....his greatest fault is that he thinks his opinion is all that matters, and his refusal to shut the fuck up about it....Don't get me wrong, I know in my heart how much further we'd be as a country right now if the left had not stolen that last election, but nobody's perfect, and that includes the Trumpster...oh, and fuck joe biden, yesterday, today, tomorrow, and forever....
