Monday, April 24, 2023

Is that gal you're in love with online even real?

It's getting to the point where I'm no fun anymore
I am sorry
Sometimes it hurts so badly, I must cry out loud
"I am lonely"
I am yours, you are mine
You are what you are
You make it hard
 Suite Judy Blue Eyes - CSNY                      

Artificial intelligence is already close enough to "human level" to create full relationships with people - and this could leave some losing touch with reality, an AI expert has warned.
Nigel Crook, director of the Institute for Ethical AI, issued the warning amid the phenomena of real people striking up full scale relationships - and sometimes even marriages (?)- with computer-driven chatbots. 
It was bad enough in the old days when all you had to do 
was blow her up - now she doesn't even exist.



Speaking of 'Artificial Intelligence', this 
is about as artificial as it gets...
Homebuyers today face a number of challenges and obstacles without having to deal with this nonsensical move by the Biden administration. Honest to God - what kinda jerkoff do you have to be to think up shit like this? 
Aside from all the pain normally associated with the process of finding a house and assembling the paperwork to apply for a mortgage, they are also facing an environment in which interest rates are more than twice what they were just two years ago.
The difference between the low 2.68% rate of December 2020 and last week's 6.94% rate means that, despite the cooling of the national housing market, homebuyers are getting a lot less for their money. Consider that a $500,000 mortgage from late 2020 would cost $2,023 per month for principal and interest, whereas currently, it would cost $3,306, an increase of more than 63% to borrow the exact same amount. To think of it another way, a current homebuyer with a $2,000 monthly budget can afford to borrow only $288,000, more than 40% less than he could borrow just 2 1/2 years ago.
Biden's Federal Housing Finance Agency, the entity that regulates Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, has found a way to make things even worse, specifically for homebuyers who have paid their bills responsibly and accumulated good credit histories. It's all in the name of equity, you see.

Starting May 1, if you have a credit score north of 680, Biden will charge you an extra fee that comes out to about $40 a month on a $400,000 mortgage. That money will go to subsidize mortgages for people with smaller down payments and lower credit scores — that is to say, people who don't pay their bills on time or who borrow money and outright fail to pay it back.


Tax the rich, feed the poor. Till there are no rich no more...
50 years on, Ten Years After makes more sense than they did then. 
And yes, the illliteration is intentional.

That hasta be Florida. That has 'Florida man' written all over it.



Mother's Day will be here in less than three weeks.
Need a gift idea for her? How about this... 

Click on the picture above for information on this specific item.
 You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 


Disney just can't seem to catch a break lately, can they?
Crowds enjoying a live performance at Disneyland in California were left stunned on Saturday night when a giant animatronic dragon caught fire. Videos online show Maleficent, the 45ft (13m) fire-breathing dragon, quickly being engulfed in flames, as firefighters try to control the blaze.
It happened during Fantasmic, a live performance featuring gravity-defying water displays, pyrotechnics and Mickey Mouse (usually) saving the day. No-one was injured in the fire.


If you're one of those dooshbag tourists who love snapping selfies every fifteen minutes when you go on a vacation, then Portofino might not be the best place to visit. Wondering why? 
Well, the town on the Italian Riviera has imposed new rules that may affect your holiday photos.
Portofino, one of the most colourful towns in Italy has introduced no-waiting zones to stop tourists from 'lingering' in popular beauty spots from taking pictures, BBC reported. Taking selfies could land you a fine of up to 275 euros ($300.00) to be exact.
According to BBC, the new rules have been imposed because these areas have become extremely busy, with many tourists gathering at peak times during the holiday season.
If you make duck lips while you're taking your selfie, the fine is tripled. Or at the very least should be.

Ya see where the R is in FOREST HILL? That's where I grew up. I thought you might need to know that.



PS - Tom Callahan - whoever you are - my wife loves you. Juss' sayin'...



  1. I'm 77 years old. All the while I was growing up, cornholeing used to mean what gay guys did to other gay guys. Now, it's a sport. Who woulda thunk?

    1. I'm 73 and the first thing I thought when I heard the guys in the back side of the bar were cornholing.....well, you know what I thought....I was outta there pronto....

  2. Wait a minute, the President of the United States is harboring a deadbeat dad?

  3. What's even funnier is that with all his wealth and power, a thunder-thighs Arkansas blonde the best Hunter can do?
    (Yeah there are prettier girls in/from Arkansas, but she's not one of them.)
