Monday, April 24, 2023

Now we're making deals with the devil to make up for Joe's Afghan clusterfuck?

Afghanistan has devolved into a haven for ISIS terrorists since the precipitous US withdrawal in 2021 — but the US has found the new Taliban government an unlikely ally in the fight against the jihadists. 
The Taliban — an Islamic fundamentalist group that seized power after the withdrawal — has been battling back against the progress of Islamic State-Khorasan, also known as ISIS-K, a senior US defense official told the Washington Post. The dueling groups of religious fanatics are openly warring. ISIS-K has assaulted ethnic minorities and government institutions, while the Taliban has retaliated by hitting Islamic State hideouts.

Raed the rest of this insanity here:

1 comment:

  1. The Taliban was mostly running Afghanistan until we took our place in history there (2001), looks like isis want's to replace the Taliban this time.
