Friday, March 10, 2023

You think YOU have problems? What about the Girl Scouts?

The Girl Scouts organization is “extremely disappointed” with one of its two primary cookie bakers as it continues to face inventory and supply chain problems. The Little Brownie Bakers (LBB), which produced cookies for the Girl Scouts’ annual fundraiser, suffered weather-induced power outages at its factory in Louisville, Ky., last weekend, further worsening previous production problems.
LBB previously faced mechanical problems with its Samoas cookie production and has reportedly experienced production issues over the last three years.
Can boys be Girl Scouts yet? I know they screwed the pooch with the Boy Scouts years ago, but I don't think I've ever seen a boy selling cookies. Juss' sayin'...


The Alaska Volcano Observatory raised the alert level to advisory status for Tanaga Volcano after detecting hundreds of earthquakes over the past few weeks. If the volcano were to erupt, the biggest threat would be to aircraft, as jets use the region as a route between North America and Asia. There are also concerns that a sunamai created by this eruption could send a thirty-foot high wall of water at Hawaii. How's that for good news?


Where can I get a dog like this?

There's just no pleasing those fruits and nuts out in California. First they're bitching about droughts, and now they're saying that the combination of rain and significant snowmelt could cause life-threatening flooding, mudslides and avalanches.

Sometimes, the guys who write the headlines maybe should stay away from the gummy jar before they sit down at their computers and start typing. This is the first image I got when I read this headline:

The actual article was a bit more sublime. 
Delta Air Lines laid out a new plan to wean its planes off fossil fuels in an effort to address climate change. The goal, the airline said, is for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) to make up at least 95 percent of its fuel consumption by 2050.
SAF is made from waste or crops through a process that’s supposed to cancel out much of the greenhouse gas emissions a plane produces. It’s not a perfect system and could create new environmental problems. And with very little SAF produced today, it’s going to be an uphill climb for Delta to hit its 2050 target. Nevertheless, SAF is largely seen by the industry as the most viable alternative to fossil fuels for now. Gotta love them tree-huggers, don'tcha?

I had a girlfriend that stupid once...


St. Patrick's Day is less a week away, 
but you still have time to find a nice little gift 
for that special Irish gal in your life..

Click on the picture above for information on these earrings
They're only $18.00 with free shipping.  You can find something nice for 
your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 

This may be a story well worth watching. The bean counters have taken over where car makers used to run the show. They wanna shit-can 52,000 salaried employees and replace them with 'gig-workers' that they don't have to offer benefits to. Almost all salaried employees are non-union. Ford is moving in this direction as well. This may be the beginning of the end for the US auto industry if my hunch is correct. Stand by and watch the fallout.
And PS  - the new logo is stupid. Juss' sayin'...

When you're lazing away a sunny afternoon in  the park and you're 
approached by a bird with a knife and an ankle monitor, maybe it's 
time to rethink your plans for the rest of the day.


Ronnie, you little slut, you...



If you know what and where this is, your childhood summers 
were not spent foolishly...




  1. Your Shinola meme reminded me of what my brother would say about people back in the 50's. "They don't know shit from Shinola"

  2. watch the train car please. ah wildwood. great board walk.

  3. What GM is doing has happened to various industries. I worked in Telecom and was an Electrical Engineer and Manager for AT&T and they wiped out part of their company. I went to work for Sprint and later the same happened as the subsidiary I worked for was sold off and Europe took over. I ended up going back to AT&T but as a Contractor as they wiped out most of their company to design and test the Wireless network.

  4. The crow with the ankle monitor is simply asking for help removing it.
    He even has a tool you can use.
    Shouldn't apply such biased motives to the poor animal, even if he is black.


  5. sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) - Thats a feel-good way of saying that they are switching farms from food producing crops to fuel producing crops. Where are you and I going to get our food is unimportant to them.

  6. Give California six months and they'll be back to rationing water.
