Thursday, March 9, 2023

Where's teddy Roosevelt when you really need him?

Do you get the same mental picture I do about Teddy and his Rough Riders chaging up Tijuana's Main Street going after these Mexican druggies? Yeah, me neither - but some goofballs in Washington think it can be done. Good luck with that...
Sen. Lindsey Graham and Sen. John Kennedy, Louisiana, both Republicans who you'd think would be smater than this, announced legislation to declare nine cartels as foreign terrorist organizations and to authorize the use of military force - the same mechanism that deployed troops to Afghanistan and Iraq - against the gangs.
“We are going to unleash the fury and might of the United States against these cartels,” said Mr. Graham, the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. “We’re going to destroy their business model and their lifestyle because our national security and the security of the United States as a whole depends on us taking decisive action.”

Here's a better idea. Stop letting tens of thousands of these wetbacks in every day, and cut off ALL the billions of dollars in 'aid' you give to our friends to the south. Within six months, they'd do what we shouldn't have to.

St. Patrick's Day is less a week away, 
but you still have time to find a nice little gift 
for that special Irish gal in your life..

Click on the picture above for information on these earrings
They're only $18.00 with free shipping.  You can find something nice for 
your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 


  1. Time to revisit the Halls of Montezuma

  2. Or create safe spaces for the coke addicts to get their stuff for free and let them OD. Remove the cartels funding source.

  3. Yeah, and fuck the mexican president and his threat that mexico takes orders from no one.....bullshit.....the are the second most corrupt country in the world.....right behind the US....


Subtle but brilliant...