Saturday, March 25, 2023

What's important and what isn't - at least on a Saturday morning according to me...





Click on the picture for the YouTube report on this.

This roadside wildflower - Lavender Phlox - is ubiquitous throughout the south and north central Florida at this time of year. 

One of my favorite places in the world. 
On sunny Sunday afternoons in the spring.

This is not a racist statement in any way shape or form, so don't construe it any other way. It's nothing more than an observation. 
Having watched a number of games in the tournament, I came to realize that there are very few caucasian players on the elite college basketball teams any more, and almost none at all in the starting lineups. 
I guess the GenZ white kids are too busy protesting in favor of the trannies or the climate or the whales or some other stupid shit. Juss' sayin'...

What I'm listening to this morning:
Click on the picture and the album on YouTube will open in a new tab. Enjoy...


This is the constellation Orion. As it fades in to the springtime western sky, 
so do the relationships I've always associated with it...

1961 Ford Thunderbird Custom Roadster Thunderflite

Jackson Browne actually wrote the Eagles hit 'Take it Easy'.

Didja ever wonder what that girl mighta looked like in the song?
Well, I'm a standing on a corner
In Winslow, Arizona
And such a fine sight to see
It's a girl, my Lord, in a flatbed
Ford slowin' down to take a look at me
Come on, baby, don't say maybe
I gotta know if your sweet love is
Gonna save me
We may lose and we may win though
We will never be here again
So open up, I'm climbin' in
So take it easy



Think about this for a coupla minutes. The media keeps jamming these asswipes in our faces. ShowBiz constantly tells us how great they are. Industry chases them for ideas. Nine year old kids are dictating fashion? Good God - what have we (as a society anyway) become? Please God please make them go away...



And then, just as suddenly, I realized that 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' is the only one in the series that Sly Stallone wasn't even in...



  1. Winslow Arizona would be unknown except for that song.

  2. Think the NCAA is non-caucasian? Was watching Euro football yesterday, Switzerland v. Belgium, and noticing how many of the players are of African descent. Europe really no longer exists.

  3. !956. back when Mickey Mantle made in an entire season what some guys get paid for an at bat.


Take a shot this one, Auntie...