Thursday, March 16, 2023

It's just not our world anymore...

And you wonder why the world is as fucked up as it is? Dude - these are all guys. They're not trannies - they're guys who like to dress up as chicks. 
Ru Paul's 'Drag Race' TV show is in it's 16th fuckin' season. What does THAT tell you about what's going on these days, huh?


  1. I watched one episode when it first came out. I expected it to be funnier, from my experience with a few drag queens that I knew, and I liked RuPaul. I was disappointed. These guys take this shit too seriously.

  2. Actually, they ARE trannies - transvestites as opposed to transgenders. I'm old enough to remember when "tranny" pretty much only meant a man who dressed like a woman (transvestite), and transgenders (people who identify as another gender and medically alter their bodies to coincide with that identity) were vanishingly rare (as they still are, in reality - but kids are getting brainwashed into believing they are transgender, at horrific cost to their present and future mental and physical health).


Having breakfast 'Automat'ically...