Friday, March 31, 2023

For TJ....

The guy on the left - my right - with me at Doochary Falls earlier this year is my Brother Tom. He passed away yesterday. There is a hole in my heart that will never be filled...
The three Jackson Brothers in the surl in North Wildwood, New Jersey, summer of 1954. That's TJ in the front with the white trunks on.
His funeral is in Belfast next week, so posts are going to be spotty - at best - for the next two weeks.
At some point I hope to revisit the falls and maybe stop in to The Corkscrew and hoist a pint in his name...


  1. Sorry for your loss, I'm now the oldest of 5 after my older sister passed several years ago, and no you'll never forget. At least you spent some time together recently

  2. I've never commented here before but enjoy your site. May TJ rest in peace. You will never forget him and your sorrow in his loss will live with you forever. But you will find a way to put it aside for special moments. Bless you.

  3. So sorry for your loss. I will raise one in his honor tonight. dw

  4. So sorry to read about the loss of your brother. Be well in his place, please...

  5. May TJ rest in peace. Sorry for your loss. This is a favorite place for me to visit but you take all the time off you want. We’ll all be patiently waiting for your return.

  6. sorry to hear that. No one gets out alive. I had occasion yesterday and now again today, to pause and reflect on everything for which I am thankful.

    There but for the Grace of God, go I. If you think about that phrase in the context of Paul the Apostle, you may find some comfort there.

  7. My deepest condolenscences on the passing of your brother. You and your family will be in my prayers

  8. My deepest sympathies. I too have lost a brother. Godspeed TJ.

  9. Hi Joe,
    May your Brother Rest in Peace.....
    Now you feel you're drowning in grief that is overwhelming ....
    When I lost my wife to Cancer several years ago ..... I was totally grief stricken.....
    but in time.... somewhere long the way found this...
    Grief never ends....
    But it changes.
    It is a passage, not a place to stay.
    Grief is not sign of weakness,
    nor a lack of faith.........
    t's the price of Love.....



  10. Not an easy thing... my condolences on your loss, I'll say a prayer....

  11. Joe. The loss of your brother saddens me because you have shared so much about your life and family with us. May your brother rest in peace and may you find consolation that he is in a better place. Joe

  12. Thoughts and prayers with you and yours.

  13. one of the worse things about getting older is your friends leave you one by one. sorry for your loss.
    we say some prayers for you both.

  14. I'm very sorry about the passing of your brother Joe. May he sleep well.

  15. May TJ's soul rest in peace.

  16. Sorry for your loss. I've been there and done that and know the pain.
    Take all the time you need; we'll be here when you're ready.

  17. There's never grief unless there was love so be encouraged - you have something that many will never know.

  18. So very sorry! May his memory live in your heart forever! 💔

  19. My sincere condolences. Take care...

  20. My deepest condolences to you and your family .

  21. Previous commenters have said it much better than I could. My condolences as well. Remember the good times. When you lose a brother, the sense of loss never completely goes away but it does lose its edge over time. Lift that pint for your brother. Then lift one for yourself as well. Prayers for you, your family and his.

  22. So sorry for your loss....

  23. Sorry to hear about your brother. My condolences.

  24. So sorry Joe, may his memory be eternal

  25. Sorry to hear about your brother. My condolences.

  26. Sincerest condolences to you and your extended family. He's in a better place.

  27. Heart fely condolences to you my friend. My brother passed away years ago and I still miss him.

  28. It hurts so much because we love them xo much
    May Peace be with y'all

  29. I know the feeling and it never quite goes away. My brother was 6 years older than me, went to Vietnam, came back never the same, but spent 6 years in the Army and then went on to be a Trucker. In Trucking he got killed in an accident in Texas and has been gone for many years. Just remember the good times. God be with you.

  30. Sorry to read this. Take care of yourself and your Mrs. and keep remembering the dumbass things TJ did. I know he did because he was YOUR brother and you confess to the greatest dumbass fun things ever! Take care. Later.


The girls from Riverdale don't mind strutting their 'stuff...

Had to edit out the details so I can keep the blog...