Sunday, February 5, 2023

Sorry, Joe. They just don't want you anymore...

Americans are taking a been-there, done-that approach to the 2024 presidential election. Among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents, 58% prefer somebody other than President Biden be their standard-bearer in two years, and 49% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents say the same about former President Donald Trump, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll released Sunday. 
While 44% of Republicans support Trump being their nominee, only 31% of Democrats back Biden running for re-election. The poll also found that 62% of Americans would be “dissatisfied” or “angry” if Biden won, and 56% would feel the same if Trump was victorious. 
Biden has said he intends to seek reelection but has not formally announced a 2024 campaign. 

Just over a third of Americans (36%) say they would be “enthusiastic” or “satisfied but not enthusiastic” if Biden won, while 43% say the same about Trump. Only 7% would be “enthusiastic” in a Biden victory, compared to 17% for the former president. 

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1 comment:

  1. No, I don't want to watch Trump having to fight his own party as much as he had to fight the Democrats.
    And do I want to see another Democrat President? Fuck no!
    NFW is Joe OR The Ho going to be the Dem nominee; Operation Dump Joe is well underway.


Tuesday dreams - I've had this one...