Wednesday, February 22, 2023

How to go un-noticed while shoplifting? Ask these Florida Men... - I have the same question you do. How the hell can you fit $1,400 worth of stuff from Dollar General in your shorts? Even with inflation, most of the items in that store are $2 at best. But it happened in Cape Coral. According to the Cape Coral Police Department  “These two subjects stole approximately $1,400 worth of merchandise from Dollar General (1612 Skyline Blvd.) on February 1st, 2023, at approximately 1:00 pm. ”
There’s also a big question that needs answered, and that’s “How does the clerk not notice this dude’s lumps?” I’m thinking he could had an even bigger haul if he’d have worn full length sweat pants. But, it’s 80 degrees today and wearing long pants might have been suspicious. This way was probably best. 
 I really hope the Cape Coral Police find these guys. I really don’t care if they get arrested, I just want some closure. $1,400 worth of merchandise shoved into those grey sweat pants. How much stuff did you take and what are you going to do with it? What was yellow shirt doing? This Florida Man story has left me with so many questions.
It's reminiscent of this old Animal House scene.

Thanks K-rock. Great story...

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Joe!!!
    I wonder WHY? When I worked at Wollyworld as a Door Greeter they just filled up baskets and walked out ... telling us 'don't touch me or i will sue you!!!!" meanwhile we got Joe Friday on the other side of the door with a badge and a GUN telling them the party is over!!!! . 'Got more stories.. meet me at the BAR! You buy the whiskey, I'll Talk!!


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