Thursday, January 12, 2023

They take your money and give it away to illegals. How come nobody fights back on this?

 And the worst part is, you idiots (okay, maybe not YOU) 
voted for this shit when you elected her...  
Newly-elected uberlib Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs (of course she's a Demorat) is proposing a state-funded scholarship program, with $40 million in taxpayer money, to help illegal aliens attend state universities and colleges.
In her inaugural address, Hobbs vowed to expand the Arizona Promise Scholarship Program - which helps low-income students pay tuition and fees to attend universities - while creating the “Promise for DREAMers Scholarship Program” that will “cover all students, regardless of immigration status, who attend a public university.”

In effect, Hobbs’ initiative would spend $40 million to help funnel illegal aliens into limited spots at state universities and colleges. An estimated 2,000 illegal aliens would benefit from the initiative every school year.

Valentines Day is coming up.
Know someone who'd like these?

Click on the picture above for information on these earrings. 
They're only $26.00 with free shipping.  You can find something nice for 
your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 


  1. No One is Illegal."
    What a load of shit. what happens to an Anglo that goes down to Mexico to demand their rights?
    This is yet another sign of a worthless US government.
    The fighting back?
    Fear that it does start, because there will be a lot of rotting carcasses before it ends.
    And it won't end until it's ended.

  2. Don't hang all the lawyers, just take the politicians out and shoot 'em, pour encourager les autres.

  3. Hobbs is a waste of space and air. All in AZ should be protesting her and all that support her including the media until they realize she is bringing them down then they will jettison Hobbs via the courts or recall.

  4. Hobbs was NOT elected. Please pay attention!
