Thursday, January 5, 2023

The flight to Fuckthatistan...

There's a local airport close to my house so I have these kinda planes flying over the house all day, every day. About two years ago, one of them had to make an emergency landing right on the fairway on the 14th hole of the golf course right behind my house. That is some seriusly crazy shit.
Would you have gotten on to the plane this kid was flying? A  teenage pilot taking his grandmother and two cousins on a short Monday morning flight across southern California.
Then, with the family cruising 5,500ft in the air, the plane’s engine suddenly failed. Brock Peters, 18, who had received his pilot’s license just four months earlier, said he heard a “boom” from the engine and “immediately after that” he lost all his engine power.
Peters, whose career goal is to become an airline pilot, said he knew he had just minutes left to make an emergency landing. From behind him, he could hear his grandmother crying, but he said he tried to tune out the sound. “I was completely focused on the plane,” he said. “It was just me, and the plane, coming down, and getting everyone down safe.”

The teenager’s emergency landing on a quiet stretch of one of the most famous highways in the US, Historic Route 66, made headlines across the country. And Peters said his message to others is simple: “Stay calm, remember your training and trust in God.”


  1. Happens... Gravity, your training and luck are in control of the next few moments.

  2. I'd say Brock's flight instructor did a hell of a job.
    And I'll also say Grandma's never getting both heels off the planet at the same time ever again.


Good Morning...

Catholic guilt...