Thursday, January 5, 2023

Your president doesn't know who is partner in vice is...

President Biden yet again referred to his vice president, Kamala Harris, 
as “President Harris” during Thursday remarks on immigration at the White House. “President Harris led this effort — led this effort to make things better in the countries from which they are leaving,” the 80-year-old president said. Later in his remarks, Biden correctly identified Harris as the “vice president.”
The oldest-ever president has made the same error in public on at least five prior occasions. In October, Biden called Harris a “great president” while wishing her a happy birthday. Last January, Biden referred to the veep as “President Harris” during a speech in Georgia, in which he also falsely claimed he was arrested multiple times fighting for civil rights.

In December 2021, Biden told students of a historically black college in South Carolina that “of course President Harris is a proud Howard alum.”
Yup - that's the leader of the free world.

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  1. The free world is getting a little fed up with this libturd. Just when it will do something about it, only God knows and he isn't talking.

  2. Hard not to trip over your tongue when your foot's in your mouth all the time.

