Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Perspective is everything...

What do you suppose the kids are thinking about this?

You have to believe now - now that the world is as polarized as it is - that there's a news source for everyone out there if they look hard enough. 
Any writer, from any media outlet, can skew the news in a way to mollify the reader they want. Sadly, most people get very myopic about where they choose to get their information, so the end result is most of the time the writers and editors are 'preaching to the choir', as my father usta say...

Another example of how you can tell if someone has entirelly too much money.
You read that correctly. Dimwit 
Congressman Adam Schiff (he of the infamous impeachment trials) said on Sunday that Congress could not “exclude the possibility” that national security was jeopardized by the handling of President Biden’s classified documents, which are now at the center of a Department of Justice probe.
“I don’t think we can exclude the possibility without knowing more of the facts,” Schiff said on ABC’s “This Week” in an interview with Jonathan Karl. “I’d like to know what these documents were, I’d like to know what the special counsel’s assessment is.”
Holy shit. We finally figured out what this guy's about. 
He's just a fuckin' ballbuster. Who'd thunk it?





The cost of butter and margarine has skyrocketed over the last year, one of several humble kitchen staples that have surged in price amid the fiercest inflation in 40 years.
As of December margarine prices were up a whopping 44% from a year ago, according to the Consumer Price Index, while butter prices jumped 31% during the same period. The average price of butter soared to $4.81 per pound in December, up from $3.47 a year prior.

I could - and I would gladly - make as strong an argument as possible 
for public art, anywhere and everywhere it can be. Even if you sometimes don't understand it, the more art of any kind that we're exposed to, the better off we'd all be. Juss' sayin'...


I was gonna ask 'how do you train a dog to do shit like this' but I've changed my mind. It's better to ask why you'd train any animal - even a monkey - to do shit like this. Are we so desperate to entertain ourselves that this is what we resort to? Shame on us if that's true.

You really do have to ask the question when you hear him say shit like this. 'Who the fuck is he talking to? Is he talking to law-abiding citizens or the millions of criminals out there that need his protection? 
President Biden on Monday called for police officers to be retrained so they’re taught not to use deadly force in every situation that requires them to fire their weapon. 
The 80-year-old senile fuckin' coot's comments came during the National Action Network’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Breakfast in Washington, DC, as Biden blasted Senate Republicans for blocking a police reform bill in 2021 that would’ve restricted the use of deadly force by law enforcement officers. 
“We have to retrain cops,” Biden said. “Why should you always shoot with deadly force? The fact is if you need to use your weapon, you don’t have to do that.” 
Biden noted that his May 2022 executive order on police reform included many of the measures sought in the failed George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. 

“I did the only thing I could do,” Biden said after the bill named in honor of the unarmed black man killed by white police officer Derek Chauvin in Minneapolis in 2020 failed to reach his desk. Pandering fuckin' jerkoff. I'd almost rather have Kamala - that's how bad this guy's gotten.




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They're only $18.00 with free shipping.  You can find something nice for 
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  1. I worked my way through college in the mid 70s in some of the worst areas of Los Angeles and they have no gotten better. The worst was the Black Slums of south central LA as it was open warfare. Black crime is the worse. I was on a multiracial crew and we were all attacked. My Black Boss was shot and I nearly got it in a drive-by as I ate at fast food and a gang open fire that killed 5 as they saw another gang guy, others were wounded. This BS by Biden is just playing into the same type of George Floyd crap that put those police away for nothing.

    1. Hey, you listen to Joe. He's speaking from his experiences as a beat cop.

  2. Don't assume that Schiff is doing anything more than carrying the water for the democratic party. The party does not want Joe to run in 2024. He is making noises as if he is going to run and they need to dissuade him. This is just a shot across the bow. If he decides that he doesn't want to run, Schiff will be the first to say there is nothing to see here and it will go into the infamous FBI basement along with the daughters diary, Hunter's laptop, and Epstein's client list.


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...