Tuesday, November 8, 2022

What's NEW in New Jersey? Nothing. Same shit - different election...

The clerk of Mercer County, New Jersey, confirmed on Tuesday morning that a voting machine malfunction had shut down machines throughout the county and professionals from the machines’ manufacturing company, Dominion, were working to resolve the issue.
At press time, machines are still down in the county, which contains the state’s capital, Trenton, and the Democrat academic hub of Princeton. Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami Covello insisted in a statement on Tuesday morning that “no voter should walk away” and poll workers would help citizens file provisional ballots manually.

“Poll workers will be on hand to walk voters through the process,” the County’s official Facebook page said in a statement. “The board is working with Dominion, the machine maker, to resolve the issue.”


  1. Hunterdon County replaced all its Dominion machines with NS&S XL system. Keeps a printed and scannable paper record as well as digital tabulation. Super easy to use too.

  2. And the Hunterdon County vote went off without a hitch. Welcome to the red corner of true blue NJ.

  3. With Dominion counting machines the results are bogus.


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