Tuesday, November 8, 2022

If you had to spell the word 'stupid', would it be c-h-i-c--k-e-n?

TSA agents in South Florida aren't pullin' anyone's wing after confiscating a raw chicken - one that turned out to be fully loaded.
The Transportation Security Administration posted the raw crime Monday showing the offending bird stuffed with a handgun after it was seized at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport.
The bird seemed to be completely packaged, with the firearm wrapped up tight in plastic and then jammed into the bird - a pretty dangerous spin on the whole Turducken craze.
Chickens - raw or cooked - are ok to travel with passengers, according to TSA's guidelines, but obviously, firearms inside said chicken ain't gonna fly. FYI - the airports in FL have seen a MAJOR spike in illegal guns at security checkpoints with 700 total found across the state so far this year, but we're guessing nothing like this.
Once cut open, the photos show the firearm wrapped inside a bag inside 
the chicken with part of the handle sticking out. It is unclear if the gun was loaded or if the gun’s owner is facing criminal charges. According to TSA guidelines, the agency could impose civil penalties exceeding $10,000.

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1 comment:

  1. I would need to see local police reports before accepting this one. After all, given the TSA rep, which is more akin to that of the FBI than people might think, it's possible they planted this one to (a) help with budget increases (b) make themselves - inidvidually and/or organizationally - look as if they are really doing anything (c) influence the election (local, state, and national), or (d) all the above. In short, nothing the TSA says is trustworthy, and nothing the bigmedia says can ever again be trustworthy.


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