Sunday, October 9, 2022

What parts of the words 'invasion' and 'illegal' do they not understand?

The 'migrants' - actually correctly idetified as illegal entry criminals - many not ready for the colder temperatures of the New York  fall - are staying at a property in Travis-Chelsea that includes the Staten Island Inn, Holiday Inn, and Fairfield Inn and Suites Marriott, sources and workers told the New York Post. It's important to point out that New York City - it's citizens and taxpayers, are footing the bill for this bullshit.
The Staten Island Inn is completely booked with migrants, one worker claimed. The Holiday Inn Express was expecting another drop-off at some point Saturday night.
The full story - with video - is here, but be prepared to get pissed off:


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  1. "How could they not see this coming".
    Ich habe es nicht gewusst.

    That happens when you turn off your brain and let ever single second of your life be decided by your "O say CNN you see" popular TV show hosts.

  2. "The 'migrants' - actually correctly idetified as illegal entry criminals -"
    I like the word 'invaders' better; migrants are usually looking for work

  3. F the Illegals. Let them starve and rot in that shithole.

  4. Completely booked? When there was a local packing plant in a nearby town, the illegals that worked there were 8-10 to a small room. Always room for more in that hotel.

  5. Recognize her? A friend told me it was some Euro hottie named Mia Magma. Or felicia something. Felicia light breeze? She also appears daily on ninety miles from tyranny as the header for Morning Mistress. Again, according to a friend, I would not know from personal experience, honest. No, really.

  6. "Prepare to be pissed off"
    We in the fucking southwest have been pissed off for the last 30 fucking years, with little to nothing done.



I'm not here, but...