Sunday, October 9, 2022

If this is true, half the mid-term battle is won already...

I wouldn't count out Virginia and Pennsylvania so easily, either. If that happens, it's almost a super-majority in the Senate. As for the Congress, I think it's a foregone conclusion that Ms. Pelosi will no longer be the speaker there.
The full reporting from - which is very good I might add - can be found here:



  1. I'll believe it when I see it. Never underestimate the ability of the left to cheat....especially in a place as corrupt as Las Vegas....which has over 80% of Nevada voters.

  2. I don't think Virginia has any US Senate seat in play for this election.

  3. Who counts the votes determined the winner last election

    1. Absolutely correct! I do not detect any change in the methods used to count the votes - or even the way votes are fabricated. We are screwed - Again!

  4. And supposing they do? What are they going to do with a majority? Judging by past performance, fuckall.


I'm not here, but...