Sunday, October 9, 2022

Pardon my alliteration...

Actually, they stick out quite a lot. Park goers were shocked to see two pigeons whose feathers had been dyed pink. “They are now just a bright target for predator animals,” said Susan Oddo with Palm Beach Parrot and Bird Rescue. The bizarre sight is no laughing matter according to Oddo.
Her rescue has taken in another bird with dyed feathers that was also captured in the area of Pembroke Pines. “These are animals that are raised in captivity, they are not wild,” Oddo explained. “They are not supposed to be released by the wild, because they’re not native species, and they also can’t fend for themselves.” The dye, she said, probably won’t cause harm, but the birds likely can’t survive on their own in the wild. 
Oddo speculates they may have been used for a 
gender reveal event.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing to see here. Just inventing a new minority group to pander to next elections.


Good Morning...