Monday, September 19, 2022

They certainly do have some funky-ass uniforms, don't they?

 And with all the medals they all have, they could almost 
be stand-ins for the North Korean Army...


  1. Looks like North Korea could be defeated with a large magnet

  2. The medals our troops wear are from campaign service, usually from helping you Americans out. If you want to see banana-republic levels of medal wearing, look at General Miley. Lastly, King Charles and Princes Andrew, William and Harry have all served, the last three in active conflicts. Can you say that of any of your leaders?

  3. The two royals NOT allowed to wear a uniform were the only two to ACTUALLY see combat. Andrew flew against the Argentinians in the Falkland war and Harry did two tours with the Ghurkas in Afghanistan. The rest NEVER faced any real danger. THAT is bullshit of the highest order.

  4. William was an Apache pilot in Afghanistan. If that doesn't count, maybe you'd better tell your own aircrew. So, now, what apart from your last sentence is 'bullshit of the highest order'?


I'm not here, but Calvin is...