Monday, September 19, 2022

Putin must be scared as all gidyup at the way Joe warned him on 60 minutes last night...

 He sounded like my first girlfriend, although she was a bit more emphatic than ole' Plugs. How friggin' scary is that? 'Don't, don't, don't'. Jeez... 


Long before the hipsters, the yuppies, the genz'ers 
the genx'ers and the hippies, there was the 'Beat Generation'. 
Here we see a poet reciting for anyone who'll listen in 
Washington Square Park on August 2, 1964.

Virtue signalling is is a disease, but sometimes  it's also incredibly fuckin' stupid, don'tcha think?
It bothers the hell out of me that some people just don't know when to shut the fuck up. Who could possibly have the free time to sit around and think up stupid shit like this? 
I really have to wonder who the overzealous little prick is who thinks this is a good idea. He or she must have a title of some kind like 'Vice President in charge of stupid shit'.
Read the story in detail here:



Don't think for one minute that all of this 'electric vehicle' green bullshit is something new. They've been doing it for over 100 years.
This is Lady Florence Norman, a suffragette, on her motorized scooter in 1916, travelling to work in London. The scooter was a birthday present from her husband, the journalist and Liberal politician Sir Henry Norman. The only differences between then and now is that the technology is a little bit better now, and they didn't have politicians and idiots trying to jam the concept down their throats like we suffer from these days.


US study: Depression 'escalating public health crisis'. The percentage of those with depression who reported speaking with a medical professional about or receiving medication for depression did not change appreciably from 2015 to 2019 and remained below 6 percent in 2020.
Of course, the reason is that we've become a nation of pussified fuckwads, but hey - wuddya gonna do, right?


I know a stoner dog when I see one...

A buddy of mine from way back in the day in the early '70's - a funny motherfucker named Sal Ardizzola - had a dog just like this one that did crazy shit all the time.
 I'm probably wrong but I think the dog's name was Popeye or Pluto or something like that. Anyway, the dog loved gettin' high. Sal usta blow shotguns in the dog's face and he'd just sit there and suck it in.
 Then he'd kinda snort or some shit - maybe that's how dogs laugh, but he'd get up and run about halfway down the front hall in Sal's apartment. Then he'd throw his four legs out to his side and slide on his belly into the front door. Funny as fuck - he'd shake it off, and run - slipping and sliding and laughing - down the hall and do it all over again. 

I'm not a big fan of the whole 'I have a dog so I'm gonna end up walking down the street with a plastic bag full of Fido's shit in my hand'  thing, but I'm thinkin' if I could get a dog who'd shit on a toilet, I'd just havta teach him to flush and we'd all be good. It's a thought...

Yeah, like every single one of you who was around in the 70's and 80's didn't scam the fuck out of Columbia Record Club at least three or four times. I'm sure. I got 'em for albums in the beginning, 8-tracks after that, cassettes after them and the last hit in the late 80's was for I think 6 or 8 CD's.
Fuck - I musta done it ten times. I had at least five fictional brothers, and the best thing was, when I was younger and still living at home with my folks, my father was cool with it. He actually told me one time something to the effect of  'Any company that stupid that they'd keep sending you free shit like this deserves to be ripped off.' And my old man was a cop.

The influx is crippling the New York shelter system. Full-time facilities are being pushed to the brink and affecting the quality of life of the neighborhood and the city has opened 23 emergency shelters, but there are still not enough beds.
Cruise ships could help alleviate the stress, according to Adams, and were once an alternative the Bloomberg administration considered during its own migration surge. 
The beauty of this idea is they could just untie the ship from the dock and POOF - suddenly it's adrift at sea and somebody else's problem. Case closed.


President Joe Biden said Sunday on CBS’s “60 Minutes” that he was not concerned about his son Hunter Biden’s behavior in any way.
Anchor Scott Pelley said, “His son, Hunter, has been a lightning rod for suspicion. Hunter Biden’s former addiction to crack cocaine led to a life he describes as nonstop depravity. He has also acknowledged a federal investigation into his taxes. Congress investigated Hunter Biden’s job with a Ukrainian company at the time that his father ran Ukrainian policy in the Obama administration.
The full article is here on Breitbart:







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