Sunday, August 28, 2022

Who is the real 'Puppet master' behind the Biden White House?

We all know that Joe Biden is mostly controlled 
by the extreme element of the radical Left...  
 What we don't know is - who controls them?  Even with their almost complete control of his policies and decisions, there are times when it seems no one is pulling his strings and he's left flailing away on his own. Bernie Sanders, AOC, and Biden’s liberal staff are the puppet masters behind Joe Biden’s radical agenda. Ron Klain even bragged that he speaks to socialists like Bernie Sanders, AOC and Jamaal Bowman “quite often.” 
Here are a few examples of how the radical Left controls Joe Biden: Anita Dunn, one of Joe Biden’s radical advisers, recently said the quiet part out loud: “There are very few decisions that get to the level of the President.” 
Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki admitted that the White house staff prefers that Joe Biden doesn’t take unscripted questions from reporters. 
 The president himself told reporters that he’s “not supposed to be answering all these questions.”
 After Joe Biden admitted he created a crisis on the Southern border, White House staff told reporters that the president’s use of the word “crisis” doesn’t “represent the administration’s official position.” 
 White House staff recently reneged on an infrastructure deal that Joe Biden made with Republican Senators. Clearing the way to ram through a highly partisan liberal wish list – which was the plan all along. 
So, who is making these important decisions that affect the future of our country? The answer: Biden’s radical handlers in the White House and their far-Left Socialist friends like Bernie Sanders and AOC. It’s no wonder Bernie Sanders gave Joe Biden a big hug before Biden’s Joint Address to Congress last year.



Is it just sour grapes on his part - a continuation of his narrative about the election being stolen from him - or is it a legitimate claim on his part? 
Sometimes with him it's hard to tell fact from hyprebole, but we all realize that there were any number of forces - the media especially - working against him from the moment he decided to run back in June 2015. Certainly, the politicization of the FBI can't be discounted, and the burying of that laptop investigation may well have shit-canned his election. Juss' sayin'...


I touched on this story the other day but I wanna re-visit it 
to make a point. The town of Ocean Grove is owned and run by the Methodist Church. You can buy a house in the town, but the church owns the land - get it? Anyway, no matter how you live there - own or rent - you know what the deal is going in, or at the very least you should. It's a diverse polyglot mix of residents - retirees, artists, professionals, all manners of faiths and beliefs, families and singles. 
The majority of the backlash about the cross/pier seems to be coming from the gay 'community' in the area, inside and outside the town. 
Longtime Ocean Grove residents Harriet Bernstein and Luisa Paster (two married lesbians living in a religious community): “Ocean Grove is a diverse community including LGBTQ residents and people of various religious affiliations, who are never asked for input about the OGCMA projects that impact all of us. The problem is not solely the pier in the shape of the cross, but the total lack of regard for their tenants.” 
Hey girls - here's an idea. How about just shut the fuck up and move to Provincetown or Asheville or some other haven if you don't like it where you are? Seriously - if you have that much free time and energy that you'd actually get jacked up about the size and shape of a friggin' fishing pier, maybe y'all both need to get some other fuckin' hobby. Juss' sayin'...

Something 'tragic' happens to Joe, there ya go - 
that's your President and Commander in Chief.

When you gotta keep your cigarette dry.


 Since reopening in April of last year, the company has made a host of changes to its preeminent parks in Florida and California, nixing free perks and ramping up prices, causing the cost of a visit to a Disney resort to rise dramatically. Those efforts, recent earnings reports reveal, have seen the parks' bottom lines swell - but has also alienated visitors who have been priced out by the increased costs, causing a 17 percent decrease in visitors. Implementing changes such as a $15 a day pass on top of admission that lets guests skip lines and a $32 charge for its airport shuttles, customers are complaining that the corporation has sacrificed the needs of its customers to score a profit. 

The unrest comes weeks after company brass explained that recent ticket-price increases were offset by an 'unfavorable attendance mix' at Disneyland - an assertion many interpreted as a reference to annual passholders who typically spend less per visit than typical ticket-buyers. Fans have since started posting pictures of themselves at the both Disneyland - dubbed 'the happiest place on earth' by the company - and Disney World, donning T-shirts that read 'Unfavorable' on social media in protest. 

Meanwhile, the company's parks division has seen its profits jump five-fold to a whopping $2.2 billion since implementing the hikes - which, according to CEO Bob Chapek, come as part of 'more aggressive' financial strategy particularly at California's Disneyland to keep up with inflation and negate pandemic-era losses.


Need to find a nice gift for a special someone 
who might be a cat lover?

Click on the picture above for information on this item.

You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or 
your girlfriend right here: 




And you don't think too many people have entirely too much friggin' free time on their hands? How about this clusterfuck:
A 'straight pride' march in front of a Modesto, California abortion clinic met with violent opposition from LGBTQ and pro-choice counter-protesters before police in riot gear disbursed both groups by force. 
The National Straight Pride Coalition (whoever the fuck they are) touted the event as a celebration of 'heterosexuality, masculinity, femininity, babies - born and unborn and Western straight civilization, our wonderful country and Christianity.' Wow - grab yourself a party hat and an umbrella and git on down there, Jed. WTF with these people...
There ain't even two dozen of these nimrods, 
yet somehow it's 'newsworthy'...





  1. What is the name of that black dance group surrounding Biden?

  2. Mask on a motorcycle, no jacket and no helmet. The democrat runs deep in this fool.


Voting the lesser of evils isn't the best idea anyone's had...

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