Thursday, August 4, 2022

Where did all this 'WOKE' shit come from, anyway?

 Did somebody somewhere get out of bed one morning and say to themselves "I'm gonna start saying and doing some incredibly stupid shit this morning"? Ya got me swingin'... 



And saying that someone or even a State is 'anti-woke' doesn't make any sense at all, either. This shit is very confusing to an old guy like me, but then again, old guys like me are confused about almost everything that's going on in the world these days, so WTF do we care, right?.


My wife would say that the guy must have a really small dick. She's tough that way - especially about big tire/jacked up pickups and loud-pipe Harleys.
Me - I just say the guy has too much money and who gives a fuck anyway what this guy - or anyone for that matter - has or doesn't have?

This is from back in 1959. It was probably a good idea in theory, but it must'nta flown because there ain't any of 'em around that I know of. I dig the fact that the dame is doin' the work while the guy is chillin' on the lounge.
And besides - ya really need an air conditioned lawn mower? If you have that much lawn, hire somebody ferfucksake. Can you imagine how hot it could get in that bubble if the AC shit the bed? Juss' sayin'.


The amount of coral in some areas of the Great Barrier Reef is at its highest in 36 years, according to a new report from the Australian Institute of Marine Science.
From August 2021 to May 2022, the central and northern regions of the Great Barrier Reef had hard coral cover levels of 33% and 36%, respectively. Coral cover decreased by 4% in the southern region, due to an outbreak of crown-of-thorns starfish.
The Australian agency found that 87 coral reefs generally had low levels of acute stress from things such as cyclones and increases in the crown-of-thorns starfish population. (Crown-of-thorn starfish are the second largest in the world, reaching up to three feet, and prey on coral. They have spikes with venom that is toxic to humans and marine wildlife.) The area surveyed represents two-thirds of the Great Barrier Reef.
Almost half of the reefs studied had between 10% and 30% hard coral cover, while about a third of the reefs had hard coral cover levels between 30% and 50%. While higher water temperatures led to a coral bleaching event in some areas in March, the temperatures did not climb high enough to kill the coral. Coral in the Great Barrier Reef is resilient, and has been able to recover from past disturbances, the Institute said. But the stressors impacting it have not gone away for long.

That doesn't sound right either, does it?



If you are thinking of getting something a little 'special' 
for a special someone, won't you consider at least looking 
at some of the jewelry my wife makes? 
Just click on this picture to go to her website, and thanks!

I've said it before and I'll continue saying that Reich is a complete fuckin' hack who hasn't been right about anything since he wore white for his First Communion. Why would he write something like this article if he wasn't the hateful scumbag he is, and - aside from wanting to see how big a jerkoff he can really be - why would anyone read his spewtations?
And yeah - spewtations is a word. I just invented it.


I wonder what the penalty is for just beatin' the fuckin snot outta these kinda people is. Anybody got any ideas on that?

1950s Huffy Radio Bike. Nobody I knew was rich enough to have one of these, and if they did, it'd been stolen 40 times...


New modeling by the Tax Foundation estimates that the Democratic inflation legislation's tax hikes would eliminate some 30,000 jobs.
The nonpartisan Tax Foundation, which generally favors lower taxes, released its analysis of the legislation being championed by Sens. Joe Manchin and Chuckie Schumer on Tuesday. The group estimates that the tax changes - the biggest of which would be a 15% minimum tax on a company's "book income," higher taxes on the carried interest income earned by private equity firms, and additional funding for the IRS - would result in a net loss of jobs and would likely have negligible effects on inflation.
The plan, given the bullshit name the 'Inflation Reduction Act', would reduce long-run gross domestic product output by about 0.1% and slash roughly 30,000 full-time equivalent jobs in the United States, according to the group. The modeling also found that the plan would decrease wages by about 0.1% and raise just over $300 billion in net revenue.
The most notable aspect of the Manchin-Schumer legislative proposal is that it would levy a 15% minimum tax on the book income of companies.
The U.S. now has a 21% corporate tax rate, which it assesses based on companies’ tax returns. The new plan would assess a minimum 15% tax on the adjusted financial statement income of corporations, something Democrats contend would raise $313 billion in new tax revenue.
Do you understand any of that shit? Understand this, though - if these people are saying YOUR taxes will not go up, you can bet yer fuckin' house that they will go up. Never forget the 'Like your doctor/keep your doctor' bullshit.

Yeah - it's exactly what you think it is and no, this was not some kinda parade or some other shit - just a normal day here in Florida. Welcome to The Villages - America's friendliest (and wackiest) home town...




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