Saturday, August 6, 2022

The airlines are a train wreck. Is that a bad metaphor?

 I'm scheduled to fly from Orlando, Florida to Washington to London to Belfast over Labor Day weekend. Pray for me... 

Going over, it will be a total of over 24 hours of travel time. 
I may be drinking heavily...

The airline industry may be booming, but flying is arguably worse than ever, with cancellations and delays rampant — and more disruptions predicted for the busy Labor Day weekend. And there’s not much the federal government can do about it.
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg recently called airline CEOs to a meeting to talk about how to ease the waves of delays and cancellations that have stranded thousands of passengers this summer — during the Juneteenth-Father’s Day weekend, some 3,000 flights were canceled and tens of thousands more delayed. But so far, talking is all that’s happened.
“Our preferred way to deal with these issues is partnership,” Buttigieg said at an industry lunch on Wednesday. He added that DOT will “use whatever authorities are available to us to ensure the customers have a good experience.”
But so far the administration has been hesitant to flex its authorities to compel action, beyond expediting flight refunds and using its bully pulpit.'
Buttigieg suggested that so far the administration hopes airlines can handle the problem themselves. He observed that airlines have been actively canceling flights and adjusting schedules to try to avoid last-minute disruptions, so “our hope is before resorting to measures like that the problem can be solved on the front end.”
Aviation analysts and legal experts said even if Buttigieg wanted to crack down, there’s not much the government can do in the short term to help air travel run more smoothly.
Because the Government, with all it's travel restrictions and bullshit mandates over the past two years created the mess we're in. Motherfuckers. Juss' sayin'...


  1. My advice to you is to start drinking heavily as soon as you check in , and continue throughout the journey .

  2. I have a "not cost effective or worth it to fly radius" I use to determine if I fly or drive. It's getting huge.

  3. Prayers for a safe and easy trip...

  4. "our hope is before resorting to measures..." "Hope" is not a strategy.


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...