Monday, July 18, 2022

The field in 2024 is gonna be a little scary to say the least...

Sen. Bernie Sanders appeared for the first time on a Washington Post ranking of potential Democratic presidential hopefuls - that also showed Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg pulling ahead of Vice President Kamala Harris in the No. 2 slot behind President Biden.
Progressive lightning rod Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez remained at No. 10 in the newspaper’s survey of possible contenders in the 2024 election, as California Gov. Gavin Newsom jumped two spots to No. 7 right behind Sanders, and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer debuted on the list at No. 8.

Biden wasn’t included in the rankings compiled in December 2021 because of speculation at the time that he would be a one-term president and because polls showed that Democratic-leaning voters narrowly preferred “someone not named Biden on the ballot in 2024.”
But the Washington Post began including Biden’s name to the list in its April rankings and in the most recent survey.​
The report pointed out that the only way Biden, 79, motivates Democrats is if Donald Trump or another Republican the base dislikes is the GOP’s nominee. “Even then, it seems a pretty big gamble to put up someone Democratic voters are so lukewarm on​,” it said, referring to Biden’s tanking job approval numbers, even among members of his own party. On Harris, the newspaper said the vice president’s image has been linked to Biden’s, along with their plummeting poll numbers.​​


  1. No Gabby? She's the only one with more than two working brain cells!
    That COULD be a reason she's NOT running, though...

  2. Every name mentioned is a nutjob. The only Democrat who isn't is Tulsi Gabbard.

  3. And she's a borderline nutjob herself
