Monday, July 18, 2022

How to collect unemployment in four easy steps.

1. Start working at Starbucks
2. Form a Union
3. Go on strike
4. Store closes. Bingo.
Everything in life should be so easy... 

You have to have something seriously dysfunctional working inside your head if getting a job at Starbucks is your life mission. Then you go and fuck it up by striking? Shit, dude - where were you when they were putting the teams together for the Manhattan Project? They certainly coulda used a brainiac like you. Juss' sayin'...
Starbucks workers held a one-day strike outside a store in Atlanta in protest over working conditions.
Customers were turned away as they hoisted signs reading “People over profits,” “Seize the Beans,” and “Today’s featured drink: strikeaccino.” Workers say management has failed to engage in meaningful conversation with their newly formed union – The first at an Atlanta-area Starbucks.
That ain't exactly the most 'vigorous' picket line I've ever seen, and somebody oughta tell somebody that bringin' the BoxO'Joe was a dumb idea - especially since it's a so-much-better coffee than that swill they serve at Starbucks.

Page Smith, one of the organizers at the Howell Mill Road facility , said the walkout has a “bittersweet aspect.” “Because while I’m proud of us for being so strong and coming out and striking and closing the store down for the day, it’s still sad that we are at this point.”
A Starbucks spokesperson restated the company’s anti-union stance in an emailed statement but said that it expects to engage “in good faith” with the unions that do form in its stores. The spokesperson said: “We are listening and learning from the partners in these stores as we always do across the country.” She said: “From the beginning, we’ve been clear in our belief that we are better together as partners, without a union between us, and that conviction has not changed.”
The baristas on Howell Mill Road unionized early this year, claiming a need for greater wages and more stable hours.

We were a different breed - we made our own fun...


Bernie Sanders harshly criticized prominent fellow Democrats on Sunday, accusing his Senate colleague Joe Manchin of sabotaging the president’s agenda and rebuking Joe Biden for traveling to Saudi Arabia last week.
During an appearance on ABC’s This Week, Sanders interrupted host Martha Raddatz when she said Manchin had “abruptly pulled the plug” on supporting a scaled-back version of a spending bill that is crucial to Biden’s agenda. Manchin said he would not support provisions in the bill that increase spending to combat climate change and close tax loopholes. Democrats cannot pass the bill without Manchin’s support in a US Senate that is divided 50-50, with vice-president Kamala Harris serving as a tiebreaker in the event one is needed.

If you can just get your mind together
Then come on across to me
We'll hold hands and then we'll watch the sunrise
From the bottom of the sea
But first, are you experienced?
Have you ever been experienced?
Well, I have...

It mighta been a really stupid movie with a bunch of idiot characters in it, but it did put Annette on a beach in a bathing suit, so shut up and eat your popcorn...



Keith Moon and Pete Townshend of THE WHO on the cover of the UK music magazine, BEAT INSTRUMENTAL, Dec. 1965. Keith Moon musta been a very dangerous friend to have...


Do you have any idea how many bonus points you can get just 
by buying her a little something special for no reason at all?

Click on the picture above for information on this specific item.

You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or 
your girlfriend right here: 

Someone somewhere up in the Motor City felt the need to 
dispel that myth. Doesn't that scare the fuck outta ya?

Gunman kills three in Indiana mall before being shot by armed bystander

A gunman killed three people when he opened fire in the food court of a shopping mall outside Indianapolis on Sunday before a bystander fatally shot the assailant, Greenwood Police Chief Jim Ison said.
Two other people were injured in the incident, which took place in the early evening at Greenwood Park Mall. "The real hero of the day is the citizen that was lawfully carrying a firearm in that food court and was able to stop the shooter almost as soon as he began," Ison told reporters. He described the armed bystander as a 22-year-old man.
The shooter was alone and had a rifle and several magazines of ammunition. Police did not release the names of the victims, gunman or bystander. Shoppers and mall employees scattered at the sound of gunfire or hid.
If this is something you might be interested in, the website is here:

Sometimes shit is just too subtle and it takes me forever to get it - like this one. And, I gotta say - I think it's in pretty poor taste for a newspaper like the Journal-Constitution, but fuck it. I don't read papers anyway. 


Parts of the U.S. and Europe are bracing for some of their hottest temperatures yet. Extreme heat in parts of Europe sent wildfires burning across Spain, France, Portugal and other surrounding countries, causing thousands of people to evacuate.
A pilot died after his plane crashed during a Portuguese firefighting operation Friday. Portugal has experienced some of the worst damage. Wildfires have already destroyed roughly 74,000 acres of land so far this year.
Of course, this report is courtesy of NPR, so they had to babble on forever about climate change being the cause of all of this...

Like I said before...


Prince Harry is set to lecture the UN General Assembly on poverty, climate change and Nelson Mandela's legacy today as he and Meghan fly in their private jet into NYC. 


And there's this magnificent bastard...





  1. GA is a Right to Work state. An employer can fire a worker at will. Forming a Union at any GA business is not going to go well.

  2. Be honest - how many "Baristas" could even tell you what the Manhattan project was all about? And, no, it's not trying to open a new ScarBuks on a street in Manhattan. Try harder.

    And, thank God for Joe Manchin. Are you SURE he's not an Independent hiding in the Democrap Party??

  3. Regarding the Starbucks store, do you have to be descended from a Yeti to work there?

  4. People work at Starbucks because the car wash wasn't hiring...
