Saturday, July 30, 2022

Oh, no, Joe - not AGAIN...

This is gonna be his out. Take my word for it. He's gonna bail.
 Joe Biden has tested positive for COVID-19, sending him back into isolation just three days after he was cleared to resume his duties. In a memo, Biden's physician, Dr. Kevin O'Connor said the president is experiencing no new symptoms and 'continues to feel quite well.' 
On Saturday afternoon, Bident tweeted: 'Folks, today I tested positive for COVID again. This happens with a small minority of folks. 'I've got no symptoms but I am going to isolate for the safety of everyone around me. 'I'm still at work, and will be back on the road soon.' 


  1. Back to his basement. He already must be running for 2024 because in 2020 he did the same: no campaigning needed when you steal an election.


Don't worry, Arch, she ain't goin' nowhere - nekkid...

...   Is the woman you love a cat lover? She'd probably love to have these. Click on the picture above for information on these earrings...