Monday, April 25, 2022

Their obsession with numbers is really scary...

Who gives a fuck about wastewater? They do somehow...

Only 7% of positive coronavirus cases in the U.S. are being detected, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation estimated last week. That means case rates are actually 14.5 times higher than officially reported. If you believe that, then there were 1,173,000,000 cases of covid, or 6 infections for every person in this country. And they wonder why we don't believe a thing they say. 

Wastewater surveillance - as patchwork and stupid as it is - just might be New Jersey’s only early warning system.
While COVID-19 is a respiratory virus that’s mainly transmissible through coughing, sneezing, talking and breathing, health officials say between 40% and 80% of infected people shed the coronavirus in their feces. It’s why watershed treatment plants such as the one Chandran has been studying have become an important tool for monitoring the pandemic. 

Chandran has been sampling wastewater from sewer-shed facilities in Little Ferry and Edgewater since partnering with the Bergen County Utilities Authority in May 2020, during the initial coronavirus wave.
“Global and United States studies have shown that this type of monitoring can provide an early indication up to two weeks of increases or decreases in COVID cases in an area,” Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco said at the time.


1 comment:

  1. So that's why Pinocchio Bonaparte Joe is wearing a diaper: to make testing easier.
