Monday, April 25, 2022

Here they come - the side-effects of the covid shots...

The World Health Organization said it has received reports of at least 169 cases of 'acute hepatitis of unknown origin' from a dozen countries as of Saturday. Cases were reported in children aged one month to 16 years old, and 17 of those who fell ill required liver transplants. The UN health agency did not say which country the death occurred in. The first cases were recorded in Britain, where 114 children have been struck with illness. Thirteen cases have been identified in Spain, 12 were in Israel and 11 have been spotted in the US - nine in Alabama and two in North Carolina. The head of pediatric gastroenterology at the largest pediatric academic hospital in Rome, Italy, prof Maggiore, interviewed about pediatric hepatitis cases. 
He says covid19 is the main suspect even if there is still no certainty.
Remember, guys - Mother's Day is very important to them, 
and it's less than two weeks away. 
The jewelry my wife makes is a perfect gift idea...
Click on the picture to see the new stuff she has up in her shop.


1 comment:

  1. Nothing a shot and a shot and a shot and a booster and a booster and a booster won't fix.
    Plus a face mask of course.
    Soon to be announced by Pfizer: we'll fix everything, including your plugged toilet.


I'm not here, but Calvin is...